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Massage Therapy

Massage therapy provides an opportunity to receive touch in a therapeutic way, supporting healing in a multidimensional approach. 


A treatment is comprehensive and involves the evaluation of the soft tissues, structure and movement of the body,  but it also encompasses listening to the body and supporting its natural healing process.


As a therapist, I offer a broad variety of techniques and modalities such as craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, cupping, fascial work, muscle energy techniques, and breath work to support the individual wellness goals of each client. To learn more about some of these techniques check out the FAQs page here.


To book a massage therapy session, please visit Thrive Family Chiropractic website here.


If you have any questions about working together, please don't hesitate to contact me directly.​​

Key Benefits

I have known Shanda for many years. I've watched my friend transition from what she thought was her purpose, to actually sitting in her purpose. This is what she is meant to do. Let me tell you why. 
I am a person who has a lot going on, from myofascial issues, chronic tension and pain, severe stenosis of the lumbosacral spine, multiple disc protrusions - the list can go on.  This woman is, a healer. She will work with your body and tissues in ways that can only be described as a 'knowing' her touch is cool and yet with warm loving energy and intention. Mixing her massage background and exploring she's also become a fantastic and highly intuitive practitioner of craniosacral therapy. Her treatments leave my spine decompressed, my muscles and fascial tissue released and my mind calm and clear, ready for a nap. I would recommend her to anyone looking to explore an intuitive massage, sacral experience. Shanda is your person, hands down every time.


Head Massage

The body and mind are inseparable and actually just different facets of a single, unified being.

Dr. John Upledger

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